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Module 6.1

From the Bardos of Death to the moment of conception  


Module details

Lecturers: Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche

Dates: 12 Nov - 27 Nov 2025

Format: Live streaming

Module description

In the previous four modules we studied the bardo of living, the time from birth to the end of life. In this module we continue our study of human development focusing on the bardos of death.


As an important part of understanding child development from the contemplative traditions ancient wisdom view of human development, we will go through the extraordinary journey from the moment of death across the bardo of liberation, the bardo of becoming and back into the bardo of living at the moment of conception. 

Bardo means intermediate or in-between. All our experiences are part of one bardo or another, be it the bardo of living or the bardos of death. From ancient wisdom perspective, it is incomplete to study human development without considering that this present life arises from previous life existence. Relative or samsaric existence is described in terms of: moment of conception, lifespan from birth to death, moment of death itself, and the state between two lives. The bardos are a natural consequence of the continuity of mindstream wandering in beginningless samsara through the six realms under the influence of confusion. The entire bardo of samsara only ends when we rediscover our true nature. 

Dr Meyrav Mor will guide us through experiential art exercises relating to the bardo of liberation.

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