Module 7
Child Development, Biography Work and the Contemplative Traditions View

Module details
Lecturers: Lucila Machado, Dr Meyrav Mor
Dates: 5 - 7 Dec 2025
Format: Live streaming
Module Description
This module is particularly recommended for those who attend three or more of the child development modules as participants will do biography work related to the phases of childhood. Experiential artistic exercises form an integral part of this work.
Engaging with biography work enables participants to relate Abiding Heart's holistic approach to child development to their own childhood. This can be supportive on a personal level in progressing on the path of inner development and on a professional level in deepening the understanding of child development and its implications for teaching and caring for children. The aim of looking back at our own childhood is to relate to child development through engaging with our own life story and how it applies to who we are, right here, right now. The aim is to help us understand ourselves better and integrate what we have learned about this wholesome approach to child development, so we can progress on the path towards rediscovering our true nature.
In this module we look at our own childhood from within the contemplative traditions perspective of human development. In doing so, we make ourselves our study. We use our own biography to understand interdependence and interconnection between our childhood experiences and who we are right now.
The task of doing biography is to awaken a living imagination of what it means to be human, and to develop an awareness of the laws and rhythms of biographical development. We also explore the nature of human encounter as a foundation for the helping relationship. Biography aims to deepen self-knowledge and open a path of inner development that can heighten sensitivity and ethical awareness.
Through this process we have the opportunity to loosen the tightness of how we see reality and journey towards transformation and strengthening our healthy self. When we learn to read the script of our life story we begin to lift the veil and rediscover our true nature.
The basic principle of working with our biography is dissecting all the outer experiences and looking at the inner feelings, thoughts and impulses that arose out of them. It is important not only to work with our own biography but to also listen to others’ biographies. Therefore we meet and listen to each other with reverence and interest so that we can get in touch with our real questions and potential.